Friday, February 1, 2013

What's in a name?

If you're not familiar with the Oklahoma City Memorial or the bombing that took place on April 15, 1995, you should read a little bit about it. Prior to the Oklahoma City Thunder, this was the most notable event that occurred here and was probably the one thing that most people connected to my home state.

There's a quote at the memorial that still, to this day, hits me right in the heart. It's the epitome of what it means to be an Oklahoman, at least in my eyes.

"The spirit of this city and this nation will not be defeated; our deeply rooted faith sustains us."

The words span the wall surrounding the Survivor Tree in the middle of the Memorial site. To lots of people that claim Oklahoma as their homeland, it's got a different meaning than just the bombing and aftermath. It's true in just about every aspect of life. You don't know just how strong you are until you've taken all you think you can handle, only to take another blow and find yourself still standing.

Things like this are a constant reminder of how important where I grew up is to who I am. Even if I'm out there, traveling the world and trying to discover myself, there's nothing like coming home to remind myself who I've been.

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